It’s no secret: Custom cakes cost more than store cakes. Why is that? And what makes your custom cake worth its cost? Lots of reasons.
Most noticeable, of course, is your cake’s appearance. A custom cake is made to meet your needs and enhance your special event. Colors, size, theme, decorations—they all create a unique cake that beautifies your table, fits your setting, and creates a conversation piece that’s talked about for years to come. Unlike the cakes purchased at stores, which often use limited standard colors, we at Dream Cakes fine-tune a cake’s colors to match your specific choices for weddings, family reunions, or other special events. Formal or fun, elegant or funky, with a custom cake you can get just the right look to set the stage for your wedding or party.
But a custom appearance is only part of the story. Flavor is another significant difference between store cakes and custom cakes, and it’s a major consideration when purchasing your cake. Dream Cakes uses high-quality ingredients to produce a delicious fresh-tasting cake of the quality you want to serve your guests. Store cakes are made in batches, so they usually feature a few standard flavors. When you choose a custom cake, you work with us to identify the combination of flavors you like best.
Here at Dream Cakes, we offer a wide range of delicious combinations you won’t find in any grocery store—from elegant red velvet cakes with luscious vanilla filling to delicious vanilla cakes with exotic dulce de leche filling to rich chocolate cakes with tempting tiramisu filling. We set up tasting appointments to let you try several flavors so you know exactly what you will be serving guests on your big day.
Contact us to discuss your custom cake. It will look beautiful, taste great, and celebrate your event in grand style. We add the sweetest touch to your perfect day!
In our next blog article, we’ll talk about those ever-present television shows that make cake creation look quick and simple. A one-of-a-kind custom cake designed for you is neither quick nor simple, and it conveys the message you want to give about your event. Stay tuned for the next episode, as they say on TV.